Chapter 8. The Thousand
100. Rather then a thousand speeches without meaningful words, is better on meaningful word, after heariing which, one can attain calm.
101. Rather then a thousand verses without meaningful words, is better one word of a verse, after hearing which, one can attain calm.
102. Who should say even a hundred verses without meaningful word, better is one verse on the Dharma,after hearing which, one can attain calm.
103. If one should conquer thousands of people in the battle,and if one should conquer just one thing - himself, he indeed is the victor of the highest battle.
104. It is better to conquer oneself than to conquer other people. Of a person, who tamed himself, who is always acting with self-control, [continued in DhP 105]
105. [continued from DhP 104] not a god,not a Gandharva, not Mara with Brahma, can turn into defeat the victory of a person of such form.
106. If one should sacrifice every month thousand times even by hundreds, and if one should even for a moment pay respects to somebody, who has developed himself, then such a devotion is better than hundred years of sacrifice
107. whatever person should worship fire in the forest for hundred years, and if one should even for a moment pay respects to somebody, who has developed himself, then such a devotion is better than hundred years of sacrifice.
108. Whatever sacrifice or oblation in the world might someone sacrifice in a year, looking for merit, all that is not worth one fourth. Showing respect to those of upright conduct is better.
109. For somebody, who is showing respect to those of virtuous character, who is always paying homage to the venerable ones, four things grow for him: life-span, beauty of complexion, happiness,strength.
110. Who would live for hundred years, with bad morality, without a firm mind, better is the life for one day of somebody who is wirtuous and meditating.
111. Who would live for hundred years, without wisdom, without a firm mind, better is the life for one day of somebody who is wise and meditating.
112. Who would live for hundred years, indolent and of poor effort, better is the life for one day of somebody who has undertaken a firm effort
113. Who would live for hundred years, not seeing rise and fall of things, better is the life for one day of somebody who is seeing their rise and fall.
114. Who would live for hundred years, not seeing the state of deathlessness, better is the life for one day of somebody who is seeing the state of deathlessness.
115. Who would live for hundred years, not seeing the highest Law, better is the life for one day of somebody who is seeing the highest Law.