Chapter 16. Affection
209. One makes an effort where none's duewith nothing done where effort's due,one grasps the dear, gives up the Quest envying those who exert themselves.
210. Don't consort with dear ones at any time, nor those not dear, 'is dukkha not to see the dear, 'tis dukkha seeing those not dear.
211. Others then do not make dear for hard's the parting from them. For whom there is no dear, undear in them no bonds are found.
212. From endearment grief is born, from endearment fear, one who is endearment-free has no grief-how fear.
213. From affection grief is born, from affection fear, one who is affection-free has no grief-how fear?
214. From lustfulness arises grief, from lustfulness springs fear, one wholly free of lustfulness has no grief-how fear?
215. From attachment grief is born, from attachent fear, one whw is attachment-free has no grief-howfear?
216. Out of craving griefis born, out of craving fear, one fully freed of craving has no grief-how fear?
217.Perfect in virtue and insight, firm in Dhamma, knower of Truth, dear to the people's such a one who does what should be done.
218. One with a wish for the Undeclared, with mind so well-pervaded, a mind not bound in pleasures of sense, an 'upstream-goer's'called.
219. One who's long away from home returns in safety from afar, then friends, well-wishers, kinsmen too are overjoyed.
220. In the same way, with merit done when from this world to another gone those merits receive one there as relatives a dear one come.