Chapter 19. Enstablished
256. Whoever judges hastily does Dhamma not uphold, a wise one should investigate truth and untruth both.
257. Who others guides impartially with carefulness, with Dhamma, that wise on Dhamma guards, a 'Dhamma-holder's called.
258. Just because articulate one's not thereby wise, hateless, fearless and secure, a 'wise one' thus is called.
259. Just because articulate one's not skilled in Dhamma; but one who's heard even little and Dhamma in the body sees, that one is skilled indeed, not heedless of the Dhamma.
260. A man is not an Elder though his head be grey, he's just fully ripe in years, 'aged-in-vain' he's called.
261. In whom is truth and Dhamma too, harmlessness, restraint, control, he's steadfast, rid of blemishes, an 'Elder' he is called.
262. Not by eloquence alone or by lovely countenance is a person beautiful if jealous, boastful,mean.
263. But 'beautiful' is called that one in whom these are completely shed, uprooted, utterly destroyed, a wise one purged of hate.
264. By shave head no samana if with deceit, no discipline. Engrossed in greed and selfishness how shall he be a samana?
265. All evils altogether he subdues both fine and gross. Having subdued al evil he indeed is called a 'Samana'.
266. Though one begs from others by this alone's no bhikkhu. Not just by this a bhikkhu but from all Dhamma doing.
267. Who both good and evil deeds has gone beyond with holy life, having discerned the world he fares and 'Bhikkhu' he is called.
268. By silence one is not a sage if confused and foolish, but one who's wise, as if with scales weighs, adopts what's good.
269. Shunning evil utterly one is a sage, by that a sage. Whoever both worlds knows for that one'scalled a 'Sage'.
270. By harming living beings one is not a 'Noble' man, by lack of harm to all that live one is called a 'Noble One'.
271. Not by vows and ritualsor again by learning much or by meditative calm or by life in solitude.
272. Should you, O bhikkhu, be cntent, "I've touched the bliss of letting og not enjoyed by common folk", though you've not gained pollution'send.