Chapter 1.Twin verses
1. Mind precedes all knowables, mind's their chief, mind-made are they. if with a corrupted mind one should either speak or act dukkha follows caused by that, as does the wheel the ox'shoof.
2. Mind precedes all knowables, mind's their chief, mind-made are they. If with a clear, and confident mind one should speak and act as one's shadow ne'er departing.
3. He abused me, he beat me, He defeated me, he robbed me. Those, who harbour such thoughts, their hatred is not appeased.
4. He abused me, he beat me, He defeated me, he robbed me. Those, who do not harbour such thoughts, Their hatred is appeased.
5. Hatred is indeed never appeased by hatred here. It is appeased by non-hatred-this law is eternal.
6. The others do not Understand that we should restrain ourselves here. Those who Understand tha, therefore appease their quarrels.
7. The person, who lives cntemplating pleasant things, who is not restrained in senses, who does not know moderation in food, who is indolent and of poor effort, Mara will overcom him, as wind a weak tree.
8. The one, who does not live contemplating pleasant things, who is well restrained in senses, who does know moderation in food, who is trusting and firm in effort, Marra will not over come him, as wind a rocky mountain.
9. Who is not rid of defilement, and wil wear a yellow robe, Devoid of restraint and truth, he does not deserve a yellow robe.
10. And who would et rid of difilement, well settled in virtues, Endowed with restraint and truth, he deserves a yellow robe.
11. Thinking to be essential, what is not, seeing no essence in what is essential, they, feeding on wrong thoughts, do not discover the essence.
12. Having known the essence as the essence, non-essential as non-essential, they, feeding on right thoughts, discover the essence.
13. As a poorly covered house is penetrated by a rain, thus an undeveloped mind is penetrated by passion.
14. As a well covered house is not penetrated by a rain, thus a well developed mind is not penetrated by passion.
15. He grieves here, he grieves after death, in both states does the wrongdoer grieve. He grieves, he is vexed, haing seen his own evil deeds.
16. He rejoices here, he rejoices after death, in both states does the well-doer rejoice. He rejoices, he is happy, having seen his own good deeds.
17. He is tormented here, he is tormented after death, in both states is the wrongdoer tormented. He is tormented [by the thought] "I have done evil". He is tormented even more,,having gone to a bad birth.
18. He is delighted here, he is delighted after death, in both states is the well-doer delighted. He is delighted [by the thought] "I have done good". He is delighted even more, having gone to a good birth.
19. Even if he recites a lot of scriptures, but does not act accordingly, the negligent man. He is like a cowherd who counts others' cows. He does not share the [blessings of] monkshood.
20. Even if he recites a little of scriptures, but lives in truth according to the Dharma, having abandoned lust, hatred and delusion, has the right knowledge, with a well emancipated mind, is not attached to anything, either in this world, nor in the other one, he shares the [blessings of] monkshood.